Just want your cat to have a name that's awesome and cool? Keep reading for some cool cat names suggestions!
You could go to pop culture for names. Or you could look to history or literature. Or you could just go with something that sounds cool.
Cool Cat Names
Cool female cat names
Human girl names are great for cats. Since a female cat is called a queen, you can name her after a great queen from history. Victoria, Boudicca, Elizabeth, Tamar and Nzinga are all interesting royal ladies to name a cat alter.
If she has black fur, you can name her Black Agnes after the countess who defended Dunbar castle.
Sheba after the Biblical Queen of Sheba is a popular name for cats, but consider the name Makeda after the Ethiopian queen who was probably the inspiration.
If you like Catwoman from the Batman franchise, you can use a name associated with her. Eartha, Halle and Carmen are all names of actresses who have played Catwoman in some fashion. Selena makes a beautiful cat name.
You could also name her after a great fictional lady like Galadriel, Morrigan or Guinevere. Shakespeare created some intriguing heroines like Juliet, Ophelia, Miranda and Rosalind.
For the Harry Potter fans there's Hermione, Minerva and Arabella. For the Game of Thrones fans there's Daenerys, Cersei and Melisandre.
For Walking Dead fans you have Michonne, Rosita and Shiva after the heroic tiger named for a Hindu death goddess. Jewel names are popular with girl cats.
The cartoon Steven Universe and the Crystal Gems made the names Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl more popular. Here are some more suggestions.
- Abbey
- Adele
- Arachna
- Ariel
- Ali
- Annie
- Ava
- Benita
- Bluebell
- Bella
- Bessie
- Beth
- Celestia
- Crystal
- Chloe
- Clara
- Dana
- Demi
- Diamond
- Dior
- Diva
- Darcy
- Darla
- Dena
- Godiva
- Guinevere
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Dora
- Edith
- Hepburn
- Honeybee
- Elise
- Eve
- Fifi
- Jasmine
- Juliette
- Frankie
- Georgie
- Gina
- Gracie
- Halley
- Hollie
- Auxana
- Ingrid
- Jackie
- Lakshmi
- Lara
- Leia
- Jenny
- Kelly
- Lynn
- Minerva
- Misty
- Maddie
- Molly
- Nelly
- Nina
- Opal
- Sacagawea
- Sapphire
- Scarlett
- Sephora
- Penny
- Polly
- Rae
- Raine
- Venus
- Vida
- Violet
- Robyn
- Roxie
- Sara
- Selena
- Zena
- Zohra
- Tessa
- Trixie
- Wanda
- Zoe
Cool male cat names
In Irish mythology, there was a hunter-warrior named Finn McCool. Shakespeare heroes make a good inspiration such as Othello, Hamlet, and Prospero.
Romeo would work for a friendly cat, but Tybalt was the very prince of cats. You could call him Wrecking Ball if he came in like one of the famous song. Tank, Bullet and Sledge are good names for your strong and unstoppable boy.
Some cool names inspired by comic books are T'Challa and Fury. If he likes to lord it up, you can name him after a king. A pharaoh like Ramses or Tut would be appropriate.
Solomon, Roderick and Otto are all names of men who have been kings. Arthur, Caspian, Odysseus, Midas and Aragorn are great literary kings. Rex, Caesar and Tyrone are all names that mean “king”.
Here are more suggestions:
- Adam
- Alfie
- Archie
- Amigo
- Antonio
- Arlo
- Bobby
- Attack
- Axel
- Archimedes
- Bradley
- Bryn
- Buster
- Bonaparte
- Boris
- Brando
- Bud
- Carlo
- Carter
- Connor
- Charlemagne
- Clay
- Cosmo
- Cooper
- Davey
- Duke
- Dante
- Dean
- DeNiro
- Dylan
- Ezra
- Felix
- Euclid
- Euripides
- Finn
- Freddie
- Galileo
- Genghis
- Gordon
- Grayson
- Gus
- Gunn
- Hans
- Henry
- Horrace
- Hemingway
- Hobbes
- Houdini
- Jake
- Jed
- Jerry
- Joey
- Jett
- Jimbo
- John
- Kip
- Kyle
- Matt
- Maverick
- Maximum
- Maximus
- McQueen
- Monty
- Mylo
- Nelson
- Noah
- Napoleon
- Nietzsche
- Oliver
- Oscar
- Parker
- Petey
- Preston
- Ricky
- Rambo
- Ramses
- Rembrandt
- Riddick
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Seb
- Sonny
- Taylor
- TheoT
- Toby
- Tarzan
- Tupac
- Todd
- Tyler
Cool unique cat names
Do you have a Siamese cat? You may like to know the roll this breed played in Siamese history. Whenever a coronation was held for a new king, a Siamese cat decked in gold jewelry would be allowed to watch.
It was believed that the former king would be able to watch the coronation through the cat's eyes. You should also check out our list of the unique cat names because you might find something appropriate for your awesome little tiger.
You might want to try a name with Thai roots. You could name your cat Mongcut after the most famous Siamese king (He's the King in The King and I). Mongcut means “crown”.
Suchart means “born into a good life”. For the girls there's Anong (“beautiful woman”) and Kanda (“beloved”).
If you really want to be unique, name your cat after your favorite game or food. There's no rules here!
- Ale
- Asia
- Picasso
- Beanie
- Bet
- Rambo
- Ramses
- Rembrandt
- Bingo
- Blaze
- Chance
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Char
- Chippy
- Clue
- Spike
- Springsteen
- Squanto
- Stallone
- Corn
- Crew
- Crispy
- Zorro
- Dancer
- Dex
- Doodle
- Dove
- Electra
- Empress
- Echo
- Ego
- Fig
- Frolic
- India
- Phoenix
- Jasper
- Jazzy
- Lynx
- Mellow
- Merlot
- Minx
- Mock
- Mystery
- Noodle
- Nutty
- Oat
- Pasta
- Pax
- Phoenix
- Rider
- River
- Sapphire
- Scarlett
- Sephora
- Shira
- Shiraz
- Sugar
- Scat
- Secret
- September
- Skippy
- Sky
- Slam
- Slink
- Timber
- Tinker
- Trinity
- Tiptoe
- Trick
- Twiglet
- Wizard
- Olympia
- Woody
- Zap
More cool names: Hawaiian Cat Names
Cool Mythological Names
Ancient mythology has lots of good names for cats. There's Bast after the Egyptian cat goddess and Sekhmet after their war goddess who often took the form of a lioness. Freya was a Norse love goddess whose chariot was pulled by cats. In Hebrew folklore, the demoness Lilith could turn into a cat.
There are several god kings to choose from like Zeus, Jupiter, Osiris, Odin and Vishnu. If your cat likes to “sing”, you could name him Orpheus or her Siren. A fast cat can be named Hermes or Atalanta.
Since Atalanta was turned into a lioness for not respecting Aphrodite, this makes a very good cat name. If your cat is unusually big, you could name him Titan or her Hippolyta.
The mythology best known for venerating cats is the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. While jackals are more like dogs than cats, Anubis might be a name to fit your cat.
Isis was a goddess queen who took it upon herself to go on a quest when her husband's remains were scattered. Nephthys means “lady of the house” and could describe your pretty kitty. Thoth is associated with the moon and magic.
Cat lovers who watch the anime Axis Powers: Hetalia will identify with Greece, the cat lover of the bunch. This characterization is due to the fact that Greek historical sites like the Parthenon always seem to have stray cats wandering about.
According to one myth, the Greek hero Heracles owes his life to a woman named Galanthis who was turned into a cat for lying to Hera about the birth of the demigod.
The least Alcmene could do was bring Galanthis into her home as a beloved pet. For more suggestions, read on.
- Aja
- Artemis
- Athena
- Ajax
- Apollo
- Ares
- Calliope
- Clio
- Camilla
- Zeus
- Damon
- Glenn
- Pax
- Helen
- Hera
- Lilith
- Odin
- Pan
- Rhea
- Troy
Awesome cat names
Why not name your cat after something awesome? You could name your cat after a cool luxury car like Bentley, Ferrari or Maserati. For a girl, Corvette, Porsche and Mercedes are cool car names.
If you get a bonded pair, one can be Rolls and the other can be Royce. Or one could be Aston and the other Martin. If you like motorcycles you could go with Harley, Ninja or Triumph.
Here's a bit of cartoon trivia. The saber-toothed cat (smilodon) that throws Fred out of his house during the end credits of The Flintstones was named “Baby Puss.” Considering how big smilodons could get, he probably was just a baby!
There are other cartoon cats to name your cat after like Sylvester, Felix or Salem. Another list which you should check out is our take on the best Disney cat names since you may find something suiting your kitty.
Magnus for the Latin word for “great” makes a good name for a boy cat. For a girl, there's Uzma after the Arabic for “supreme”. Keep looking until you find the right one!
- Cheetah
- Hunter
- Mowgli
- Leo
- Leopard
- Lion/Lioness
- Lynx
- Ocelot
- Shadow
- Hamlet
- Christmas
- Latifa
- Machiavelli
- Mackie
- Maddux
- Magic