Who can resist the sweet taste of grapes? A piece is never enough with all the health-boosting benefits it offers. Its sweet, tart taste is just a plus.
Given all the good stuff this smooth-skinned fruit has in store, pet parents are probably wondering – Can cats eat grapes?
As sensible cat owners, you ought to know by now that some human foods will have damaging effects on your pets. Are grapes one of them? What about raisins?
Since your cats’ safety is our priority, FelineLiving – your go-to website for all your cat food and “Can Cats?” queries – is here to give you the answer to your question: Can cats eat grapes?
Not just that. To end your search, we made sure to include in this article all the things you need to know about grapes, the effects of this fruit on your cat, and more.
Must-Know Details About Grapes
A fruit that is available all year round, grape (with the scientific name Vitis Vinifera) in whatever form or color, seeded or seedless, is an excellent addition to anyone’s diet. In fact, it is among the 20 healthiest fruits on the planet.
If that’s not reason enough, try to search for the word grapes on google, and you’d be wowed with the number of nutrients a cup of grapes will give you. Here are a few:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin K
- Thiamine
- Vitamin B6
- Magnesium
- Vitamin A
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
For humans, grape (including its leaves and seeds) is harmless as long as it’s eaten in normal quantities. Like other human foods, even the healthy ones can cause side effects when consumed in large amounts.
In the case of grapes, eating a lot of this food can cause diarrhea, weight gain, or trigger allergic reactions to humans.
Can Cats Eat Grapes?
Migraine relief, cancer prevention, and heart health are just a few of the good things grapes are famous for. Given the wealth of benefits this juicy “people” food provides, it’s normal for some to assume that your cat will reap the same benefits.
A few may have even given their cat or cats a piece of grapes, thinking that one piece won’t hurt. Sadly, that’s where you’re wrong.
Yes, you’ve read it right. The short answer to your question, “Can cats eat grapes?” is a big NO. The grapes we love and relish are a no-no to our dear cats and kitties, just like other toxic foods such as onions, garlic, and alcohol.
Risks Of Letting Your Pet Cats Eat Grapes
Can cats eat grapes? No. But what potential hazards can this nutrient-rich fruit pose to your kitty or cat? Here’s are the possible risks your pet cat might face in case you let your cats eat grapes:
Choking Hazard
Given its shape and size, young kids run the risk of swallowing this whole. The same goes for our cats.
Kidney Failure
Pet owners, particularly those who have dogs, would have heard somewhere that the fruits from the Vitis species, including sultanas, currants, grapes, and raisins, are toxic to dogs.
Reports show dogs suffering from severe acute kidney failure after eating grapes or raisins – a condition also known as grape toxicity or raisin toxicity.
While most of the reports show dogs being poisoned after eating grapes or raisins, there are a few accounts of cats (and ferrets) suffering from grape toxicity. Thus, it’s best if you keep those sweet-juicy grapes away from your cat’s reach.
Also read: Can Cats Eat Avocado? Benefits And Precautions Revealed
More About Grape Toxicity
To have a better understanding of this food-related toxicity and its possible effects on your cat, we’ll take a closer look at how this seemingly healthy snack brings havoc to a dogs’ system (given that most grape toxicosis reports are about dogs). With this, we can assume that its effects on dogs are the same as cats.
What Makes Grapes Poisonous?
Sadly, scientists cannot pinpoint what specific toxins or substances grapes have that make them poisonous to dogs and cats.
While the investigation is still ongoing, an article from veterinarian Colette Nix mentioned that the toxic component that causes grape and raisin toxicity is possibly found within the flesh of the grapes or raisins and not the seeds.
How Much Is Too Much?
Interestingly, the effects of ingesting grapes or raisins or any food items containing grapes (like grape juice, grape jelly, cookies, and trail mix) vary from one pet to another.
Some dogs can stomach large quantities. Another dog, however, would have to put up with its toxic effects after eating a small dose.
Grape Poisoning: Signs To Watch Out For
Vomiting is the most common sign of poisoning, and this usually happens within 24 hours from the time of ingestion. Other signs include:
- Gastrointestinal distress such as abdominal pain and diarrhea
- Dehydration or excessive thirst
- Lethargy
- Lack of appetite
- Uremic fetor or Urine-like odor on the breath
- Excessive urinating
What To Do If Your Cat Eats Grapes?
Despite all the unknowns about grapes and raisins, we know for sure that cats’ canine counterparts can’t eat it, given the significant number of reports.
But, what about cats? Can cats eat grapes since we have no scientific studies available to back up the claims that this fruit is deadly to cats?
Ask your veterinarian – can cats eat grapes? – and we’re sure that he or she will still give you a NO for an answer. Dogs can’t eat grapes.
So, can cats eat grapes? Your cat can’t have it simply because the risk involved is too high. One good reason why there are a few accounts of poisoning in cats is their fussy nature when it comes to food.
Another reason is cats’ inability to taste “sweet.” Because our fish-loving cats are “sweet blind,” sweet-tasting foods like grapes don’t appeal to them.
Now, in case your cat eats a piece of grape, what should you do?
If this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately. There’s no need for you to wait for your cats to show signs of distress or symptoms of poisoning. It’s hard to take chances since there’s no way to predict how this will affect your cat or cats.
If your veterinarian is unreachable, you can always call ASPCA Animal Poison Control. Your best resource when it comes to poison-related emergencies, their hotline number ((888) 426-4435) is open 24/7.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know that feeding cat grapes is not recommended, there are other foods that you can give to your cats as a healthy snack. One fruit that your cats might like is cantaloupe. You can also try different kinds of melons.
If in case your cat is not the adventurous type, don’t worry. What’s more important is that your cat gets all the nutrients they need by eating a complete and balanced diet.